Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

Most important factor brand awareness when you start the business. Online & Social Media helps business people to advertise and take their brand to consumer in easy way and making people to talk about your brand and product.We help business to build their branding. Brand awareness refers to the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand. Brand awareness is a key consideration in consumer behavioradvertising managementbrand management and strategy development. The consumer’s ability to recognise or recall a brand is central to purchasing decision-making. Purchasing cannot proceed unless a consumer is first aware of a product category and a brand within that category. Awareness does not necessarily mean that the consumer must be able to recall a specific brand name, but he or she must be able to recall sufficient distinguishing features for purchasing to proceed Brand awareness is a key indicator of a brand’s competitive market performance. Given the importance of brand awareness in consumer purchasing decisions, marketers have developed a number of metrics designed to measure brand awareness and other measures of brand health. These metrics are collectively known as Awareness, Attitudes and Usage (AAU) metrics. If you have any question on brand awareness, you can reach us.