Add store to facebook

Add Stores to a Pages Structure on Facebook

Facebook Location helps to add all store locations to facebook main business page.  We recently figured out, how we can localize the Facebook Business Page by adding multiple store locations of one business. If your business operates from multiple stores (including dealerships, salons or restaurants), you can upload details of these stores to Ads Manager.  You should now have created a Facebook store Page for each of your physical store locations. ViVi Innovatives helps businesses to localize the business ads and build local community and followers to business.

A majority of searches today are of local intent. As opposed to your singular Facebook Page that has just one location, any search would lead to the relevant Facebook Page based on the location of the user.

You get more online citations by having separate Facebook Pages for each location of your business, aside from your flagship page. This will give you a larger presence on search engines and the Facebook Search.

You generate more reviews! Having separate pages would also help customers give reviews that are specific to the products/services of that particular location. You’re making it easier for your customers.

You can reap the benefit of a barnacle SEO and best described as a method for businesses to increase their search results through a connection with another site. By creating multiple Facebook Pages, it will significantly increase your chances of appearing on Local SEO searches.

You can also tailor your content marketing strategies location-wise. Content that is relevant to one location might not be so for others.

Considering how the Facebook Check-in option could boost your online presence, there is an obvious benefit if people are checking into your business from multiple locations.